Administration Report #13/14 - Parking on Downtown Streets - Director Bolch to Report


MOVED Councillor Brisco, Seconded Councillor Thapar and resolved: THAT the Committee recommends to Council to approve Option #3 of Administration Report #13/14 and directs staff to research developing a phased approach to implementing reverse angle parking along Reid Street from Carson Avenue to Shepherd Avenue; AND THAT a trial parking block will be implemented this spring from Carson to Barlow Avenues following further research;
AND THAT Council directs staff to consult with the Quesnel Downtown Association when developing a proposed phased parking plan; AND THAT Council directs staff to incorporate the existing Disabled/Accessible Parking allotment into the proposed phased parking plan;

AND THAT Council directs staff to bring forward a further report outlining the proposed phased parking plan to a future Council meeting.